Assertion in codegen (caused by MakeAPI?)

The question is: is the testcase below expected to work, or is it some known limitation?

Take this example:

import tvm

xa = tvm.var('xa', 'int32')
ya = tvm.var('ya', 'int32')
A = tvm.placeholder((xa,ya), dtype='int32', name='A')

xb = tvm.var('xb', 'int32')
yb = tvm.var('yb', 'int32')
B = tvm.placeholder((xb,yb), dtype='int32', name='B')

xc = tvm.var('xc', 'int32')
yc = tvm.var('yc', 'int32')
C = tvm.placeholder((xc,yc), dtype='int32', name='C')

xo = A.shape[0]
yo = (A.shape[1]+B.shape[1]) // C.shape[1]
O = tvm.compute((xo,yo), lambda i,j: 0, name='O')

s = tvm.create_schedule(O.op)
f =, [O, A, B, C], target = 'llvm')

The idea is to pass the tensors alone (without passing the x_/y_ variables explicitly), and have the output shape information extracted from the input tensors instead. However, I’m getting an assert:

[16:58:10] /w/src/dmlc/tvm/src/codegen/llvm/ Check failed: it != var_map_.end(): cannot find variable yc
Stack trace:
  [bt] (0) /w/src/dmlc/tvm/build.x86/ [0x7fc458aa86b3]
  [bt] (1) /w/src/dmlc/tvm/build.x86/ const*) const+0x1c3) [0x7fc459360313]
  [bt] (2) /w/src/dmlc/tvm/build.x86/<llvm::Value* (tvm::runtime::ObjectRef const&, tvm::ir::ExprFunctor<llvm::Value* (tvm::Expr const&)>*)>::operator()(tvm::runtime::ObjectRef const&, tvm::ir::ExprFunctor<llvm::Value* (tvm::Expr const&)>*) const+0xf4) [0x7fc45933f704]
  [bt] (3) /w/src/dmlc/tvm/build.x86/ const*)+0x1f) [0x7fc45936764f]
  [bt] (4) /w/src/dmlc/tvm/build.x86/<llvm::Value* (tvm::runtime::ObjectRef const&, tvm::ir::ExprFunctor<llvm::Value* (tvm::Expr const&)>*)>::operator()(tvm::runtime::ObjectRef const&, tvm::ir::ExprFunctor<llvm::Value* (tvm::Expr const&)>*) const+0xf4) [0x7fc45933f704]
  [bt] (5) /w/src/dmlc/tvm/build.x86/ const*)+0x1f) [0x7fc459367b1f]
  [bt] (6) /w/src/dmlc/tvm/build.x86/<llvm::Value* (tvm::runtime::ObjectRef const&, tvm::ir::ExprFunctor<llvm::Value* (tvm::Expr const&)>*)>::operator()(tvm::runtime::ObjectRef const&, tvm::ir::ExprFunctor<llvm::Value* (tvm::Expr const&)>*) const+0xf4) [0x7fc45933f704]
  [bt] (7) /w/src/dmlc/tvm/build.x86/ const*)+0x1f) [0x7fc459367b7f]
  [bt] (8) /w/src/dmlc/tvm/build.x86/<llvm::Value* (tvm::runtime::ObjectRef const&, tvm::ir::ExprFunctor<llvm::Value* (tvm::Expr const&)>*)>::operator()(tvm::runtime::ObjectRef const&, tvm::ir::ExprFunctor<llvm::Value* (tvm::Expr const&)>*) const+0xf4) [0x7fc45933f704]


When I dump the LoweredFunc right before codegen, it is:

default_function(handle args, handle arg_type_ids, int32 num_args) {
  assert((num_args == 4), "default_function: num_args should be 4")
  let arg0 = tvm_struct_get(args, 0, 12)
  let arg0.code = arg_type_ids[0]
  let arg1 = tvm_struct_get(args, 1, 12)
  let arg1.code = arg_type_ids[1]
  let arg2 = tvm_struct_get(args, 2, 12)
  let arg2.code = arg_type_ids[2]
  let arg3 = tvm_struct_get(args, 3, 12)
  let arg3.code = arg_type_ids[3]
  let O = tvm_struct_get(arg0, 0, 1)
  // attr [O] storage_alignment = 128
  let arg0.shape = tvm_struct_get(arg0, 0, 2)
  let xa = int32(arg0.shape[0])
  let arg0.strides = tvm_struct_get(arg0, 0, 3)
  let stride = tvm_if_then_else((select((((yc >= 0) && (((ya + yb) % yc) >= 0)) || ((yc < 0) && (((ya + yb) % yc) <= 0))), ((ya + yb)/yc), (((ya + yb)/yc) - 1)) == 1), 0, tvm_if_then_else(tvm_handle_is_null(arg0.strides), 1, int32(arg0.strides[1])))
  let stride = tvm_if_then_else((xa == 1), 0, tvm_if_then_else(tvm_handle_is_null(arg0.strides), select((((yc >= 0) && (((ya + yb) % yc) >= 0)) || ((yc < 0) && (((ya + yb) % yc) <= 0))), ((ya + yb)/yc), (((ya + yb)/yc) - 1)), int32(arg0.strides[0])))
  let dev_type = tvm_struct_get(arg0, 0, 10)
  let dev_id = tvm_struct_get(arg0, 0, 9)
  let A = tvm_struct_get(arg1, 0, 1)
  // attr [A] storage_alignment = 128
  let arg1.shape = tvm_struct_get(arg1, 0, 2)
  let ya = int32(arg1.shape[1])
  let arg1.strides = tvm_struct_get(arg1, 0, 3)
  let stride = tvm_if_then_else((ya == 1), 0, tvm_if_then_else(tvm_handle_is_null(arg1.strides), 1, int32(arg1.strides[1])))
  let stride = tvm_if_then_else((xa == 1), 0, tvm_if_then_else(tvm_handle_is_null(arg1.strides), ya, int32(arg1.strides[0])))
  let B = tvm_struct_get(arg2, 0, 1)
  // attr [B] storage_alignment = 128
  let arg2.shape = tvm_struct_get(arg2, 0, 2)
  let xb = int32(arg2.shape[0])
  let yb = int32(arg2.shape[1])
  let arg2.strides = tvm_struct_get(arg2, 0, 3)
  let stride = tvm_if_then_else((yb == 1), 0, tvm_if_then_else(tvm_handle_is_null(arg2.strides), 1, int32(arg2.strides[1])))
  let stride = tvm_if_then_else((xb == 1), 0, tvm_if_then_else(tvm_handle_is_null(arg2.strides), yb, int32(arg2.strides[0])))
  let C = tvm_struct_get(arg3, 0, 1)
  // attr [C] storage_alignment = 128
  let arg3.shape = tvm_struct_get(arg3, 0, 2)
  let xc = int32(arg3.shape[0])
  let yc = int32(arg3.shape[1])
  let arg3.strides = tvm_struct_get(arg3, 0, 3)
  let stride = tvm_if_then_else((yc == 1), 0, tvm_if_then_else(tvm_handle_is_null(arg3.strides), 1, int32(arg3.strides[1])))
  let stride = tvm_if_then_else((xc == 1), 0, tvm_if_then_else(tvm_handle_is_null(arg3.strides), yc, int32(arg3.strides[0])))
  assert(((((arg0.code == 3) || (arg0.code == 13)) || (arg0.code == 7)) || (arg0.code == 4)), "default_function: Expect arg[0] to be pointer")
  assert(((((arg1.code == 3) || (arg1.code == 13)) || (arg1.code == 7)) || (arg1.code == 4)), "default_function: Expect arg[1] to be pointer")
  assert(((((arg2.code == 3) || (arg2.code == 13)) || (arg2.code == 7)) || (arg2.code == 4)), "default_function: Expect arg[2] to be pointer")
  assert(((((arg3.code == 3) || (arg3.code == 13)) || (arg3.code == 7)) || (arg3.code == 4)), "default_function: Expect arg[3] to be pointer")
  assert((dev_type == 1), "device_type need to be 1")
  assert((2 == tvm_struct_get(arg0, 0, 4)), "arg0.ndim is expected to equal 2")
  assert((((tvm_struct_get(arg0, 0, 5) == (uint8)0) && (tvm_struct_get(arg0, 0, 6) == (uint8)32)) && (tvm_struct_get(arg0, 0, 7) == (uint16)1)), "arg0.dtype is expected to be int32")
  assert((select((((yc >= 0) && (((ya + yb) % yc) >= 0)) || ((yc < 0) && (((ya + yb) % yc) <= 0))), ((ya + yb)/yc), (((ya + yb)/yc) - 1)) == int32(arg0.shape[1])), "Argument arg0.shape[1] has an unsatisfied constraint")
  assert(((uint64)0 == tvm_struct_get(arg0, 0, 8)), "Argument arg0.byte_offset has an unsatisfied constraint")
  assert((2 == tvm_struct_get(arg1, 0, 4)), "arg1.ndim is expected to equal 2")
  assert((((tvm_struct_get(arg1, 0, 5) == (uint8)0) && (tvm_struct_get(arg1, 0, 6) == (uint8)32)) && (tvm_struct_get(arg1, 0, 7) == (uint16)1)), "arg1.dtype is expected to be int32")
  assert((xa == int32(arg1.shape[0])), "Argument arg1.shape[0] has an unsatisfied constraint")
  assert(((uint64)0 == tvm_struct_get(arg1, 0, 8)), "Argument arg1.byte_offset has an unsatisfied constraint")
  assert((1 == tvm_struct_get(arg1, 0, 10)), "Argument arg1.device_type has an unsatisfied constraint")
  assert((dev_id == tvm_struct_get(arg1, 0, 9)), "Argument arg1.device_id has an unsatisfied constraint")
  assert((2 == tvm_struct_get(arg2, 0, 4)), "arg2.ndim is expected to equal 2")
  assert((((tvm_struct_get(arg2, 0, 5) == (uint8)0) && (tvm_struct_get(arg2, 0, 6) == (uint8)32)) && (tvm_struct_get(arg2, 0, 7) == (uint16)1)), "arg2.dtype is expected to be int32")
  assert(((uint64)0 == tvm_struct_get(arg2, 0, 8)), "Argument arg2.byte_offset has an unsatisfied constraint")
  assert((1 == tvm_struct_get(arg2, 0, 10)), "Argument arg2.device_type has an unsatisfied constraint")
  assert((dev_id == tvm_struct_get(arg2, 0, 9)), "Argument arg2.device_id has an unsatisfied constraint")
  assert((2 == tvm_struct_get(arg3, 0, 4)), "arg3.ndim is expected to equal 2")
  assert((((tvm_struct_get(arg3, 0, 5) == (uint8)0) && (tvm_struct_get(arg3, 0, 6) == (uint8)32)) && (tvm_struct_get(arg3, 0, 7) == (uint16)1)), "arg3.dtype is expected to be int32")
  assert(((uint64)0 == tvm_struct_get(arg3, 0, 8)), "Argument arg3.byte_offset has an unsatisfied constraint")
  assert((1 == tvm_struct_get(arg3, 0, 10)), "Argument arg3.device_type has an unsatisfied constraint")
  assert((dev_id == tvm_struct_get(arg3, 0, 9)), "Argument arg3.device_id has an unsatisfied constraint")
  // attr [0] compute_scope = "default_function_compute_"
  produce O {
    for (i, 0, xa) {
      for (j, 0, select((((yc >= 0) && (((ya + yb) % yc) >= 0)) || ((yc < 0) && (((ya + yb) % yc) <= 0))), ((ya + yb)/yc), (((ya + yb)/yc) - 1))) {
        O[((i*stride) + (j*stride))] = 0

You can see that yc is indeed accessed there, before it’s assigned (although it maybe just a different variable with the same name).