*Attrs not inheriting from Attrs

I noticed that while most Attrs inherit from Attrs, some don’t and are only on the C++ side (thus being mapped to Object). In particular, they don’t have the keys function. Now, defining them with a short docstring like the others is easy, but is that an OK patch?

Best regards


The ops are: AdaptivePool2DAttrs AdaptivePool3DAttrs AffineGridAttrs AllocStorageAttrs AllocTensorAttrs CastHintAttrs Conv1DTransposeAttrs DictAttrsNode ExpandDimsAttrs GridSampleAttrs GroupNormAttrs InstanceNormAttrs LayerNormAttrs NdarraySizeAttrs OneHotAttrs QuantizeAttrs ReduceAttrs RequantizeAttrs Resize3dAttrs ScatterAttrs SequenceMaskAttrs ShapeFuncAttrs SimulatedQuantizeAttrs SparseDenseAttrs SparseToDenseAttrs SparseTransposeAttrs TestAttrs TopKAttrs TupleGetItemAttrs WithFuncIdAttrs

I agree that it is good to add those attrs to the python side so that they maps to Attrs

Thank you. I filed PR 5853.

To put in some long term perspective: I wonder whether one could somehow systematically see if things of class Object rather than a subclass are instantiated and not allow that.

Best regards


I agree, we could shoot an error in the strict mode to forbid pure object construction