Autotvm benchmark

I have two questions:

Question 1:

Figure 12 , in “TVM: An Automated End-to-End Optimizing Compiler for Deep Learning” paper, shows that autotvm can get the better performance than cudnn.
So we wanted to verify it and did the benchmark . but the result show that cudnn had the better performance than autotvm and we set the n_trails = 2000.
This makes me confused.
Can you give me the test code about this. my email is

If you can’t give me the test code, please tell me how did you do the benchmark.

Question 2:
I got PPT “AutoTVM & Device Fleet” from
Page 33 show the benchmark result about NVIDIA GPU Optimization(GTX 1080Ti)

Can you give me the test code about this benchmark. my email is
If you can’t give me the test code, please tell me how did you do the benchmark.

For AutoTVM and “MXNet + TensorRT 4.0”, Is the same DL model ?
Or “MXNet+ TensorRT 4.0” use the mxnet real model but AutoTVM use the relay model from relay.testing?

Thank you very much.

@eqy @thierry, can you help me ? thank you