C++ code Module::LoadFromFile() on linux failed

 I use Cross Compile to comile a tvm_runtime.so. 

Then I use it in linux/arm cortex-a7. Error happened when I run to this code:

The error is as following:

./main: ‘//app//sd//demo//deploy/./deploy_flag_lib.so’ is not an ELF file
terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘dmlc::Error’
what(): [05:53:53] /home/deep/workssd/hi3559/Hi3559V200/thirdparty/tvm/src/runtime/dso_module.cc:112: Check failed: lib_handle_ != nullptr: Failed to load dynamic shared library //app//sd//demo//deploy/./deploy_flag_lib.so File not found

I have use python to generate the deploy_flag_lib.so ,by
target = tvm.target.arm_cpu(“rasp3b”) #hi3559 armv7l

with relay.build_config(opt_level=3):
graph, lib, params = relay.build(func, target, params=params)

Has anyone meet the same problem?

Has just fix the elf file format . After calling
“tvm::runtime::Module mod_syslib = tvm::runtime::Module::LoadFromFile(“deploy_lib.so”);”
now the error is ;
terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘dmlc::Error’
what(): [23:11:15] /home/deep/workssd/hi355/MobileCam_SDK_V1.0.1.3/middleware/thirdparty/tvm/src/runtime/dso_module.cc:112: Check failed: lib_handle_ != nullptr: Failed to load dynamic shared library deploy_flag_lib.so File not found

Same problem, can you give some advice? Thanks a lot.