Cache_write does not replace vars in reducer identity

IR mutator does not visit combiner of reducer node
If the identity value of comm reducer depends on outer axis, it throws some error like “Not all Vars are passed in api_args: ‘i’ does not appeared in api_args”

For example,

import tvm

N = 16

data = tvm.placeholder((N,))
def _f(i):
    min_value = lambda _: i.astype('float32')
    max = tvm.comm_reducer(lambda x, y: tvm.make._OpMax(x, y), min_value, name='max')
    r = tvm.reduce_axis((0, N))

    return max(data[r] + i, axis=[r])

c = tvm.compute((N,), _f)
s = tvm.create_schedule(c.op)
s.cache_write(c, 'local')

print(tvm.lower(s, [data, c], simple_mode=True)), [data, c], 'llvm')

s = tvm.create_schedule(c.op)
s.cache_write(c, 'local')

print(tvm.lower(s, [data, c], simple_mode=True)), [data, c], 'llvm')

i in compute.local is not replaced with i.c

// attr [compute.local] storage_scope = "local"
allocate compute.local[float32 * 16]
produce compute.local {
  for (i.c, 0, 16) {
    compute.local[i.c] = float32(i)
    for (rv, 0, 16) {
      compute.local[i.c] = max(compute.local[i.c], (placeholder[rv] + float32(i.c)))
produce compute {
  for (i, 0, 16) {
    compute[i] = compute.local[i]

cc @tqchen

@vinx13 can you try to fix this problem?

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