[DISCUSS] Consider rename vm::Datatype

vm::Datatype was intended for runtime ADT objects. However, it can also be interpreted as datatype in the runtime. As a matter of fact, that is something that comes to my mind when i first saw the class.

It would be great if we can rename it to something less ambiguous. e.g. ADTObj?

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cc @haichen @wweic @MarisaKirisame

I agree vm::Datatype is not a good name. But Datatype includes tuple as well as ADT datatype. So changing name to ADTObj doesn’t sound very accurate.

My understanding is that Tuple is a special case of ADT. This being said, I am open to any alternative names

I see. ADTObj is good to me.

I think Obj suffix is used for concrete class, ADTObj might cause some confusion i think? Or you are planning to have class ADTObject and class ADT?

I assume it’s about this class: https://github.com/dmlc/tvm/blob/master/include/tvm/runtime/vm.h#L71-L84

Right, in that sense ADT makes sense

OK. Thanks. Sounds good to me. @jroesch FYI.

anyone who wants to take a stab ?

I’ll send the pr soon