Help with import sub-package

Hi I am from a hardware background so this question might seems a little trivial :slight_smile:

I am trying to using TVM for the first time. I am working on ubuntu 16.04.4. I followed the install instruction on TVM’s website. I installed from the source code. I also installed LLVM. Then I try to run an example code from the tutorial.
‘import tvm’ does work, but importing sub-package does not work, eg. ‘from tvm import autotvm’, ‘from tvm import replay’.
I do change the PYTHONPATH as recommended:

export TVM_HOME=/path/to/tvm
export PYTHONPATH=$TVM_HOME/python:$TVM_HOME/topi/python:$TVM_HOME/nnvm/python:${PYTHONPATH}

And the folders, ‘autotvm’, ‘replay’, do exist under $TVM_HOME/python/tvm.
Any ideas on what is going wrong?

Are you using conda?

Thanks for your response. I am not using conda.