Lambda op for Keras

Operator Lambda is not supported for frontend Keras using keras.applications.InceptionResNetV2. Have plan for support?

The Lambda layer can contain anything, so I think it’s difficult to support.

If your keras model contains Lambda, I’d suggest converting it to a tensorflow model and use the tensorflow frontend instead. c.f.

@kazum Thanks for your reply in patience.

I have converted the keras model '.h5’ to tensoflow model(.pb). There are four ops are not supported using ‘tensorflow frontend using relay.frontend.from_tensorflow’, as:

otImplementedError: The following operators are not implemented: {'DenseToDenseSetOperation', 'NonMaxSuppressionV3', 'SparseToDense', 'Unique'}

Could you help me to support it? Thanks a lot!

@kazum Could you help me to support it or give some suggestions ? any advice is great appreciated! Thanks a lot!

@zchuang11 Supporting those operators looks difficult in near future. I think trying other models is better for now, unfortunately.