Language Server Tool to Navigate Across PackedFunc FFI for IDEs like VSCode and Emacs

Thank you @comaniac very much.

Hi @comaniac,

For some reason, I am still having trouble properly using ffi-navigator in VSCode. In the instructions, it says we can get ffi-navigator from marketplace which I did get succesfully installed as extension to VSCode. But when I navigate tvm python code as shown in the demo (e…g, Go To Definitions), it does not go to C++ definition from python. Any ideas ?

I had a go at installing it into CLion but the LSP plugin was giving me trouble. I could not get the server to start reliably although it would start from the command-line.

You can check the extension log (in the bottom OUTPUT tab of VSCode window, select ffi_navigator on the right side.) to see if 1) ffi_navigator is launched and initialized correctly, and 2) the Python line to be navigated is in the scope of FFI.

@Leo-arm do you have pyls working with clion?

Sadly, no. I tried it with the LSP plugin and while the plugin tries to start the server, it fails to initialise properly. The CLion log shows issues in the plugin.

Is there some guide for vim ?

We don’t have vim plugin for FFI navigator now, but you are welcome to contribute one :slight_smile: