Optimizing matrix multiplication for GPU

It is actually possible to get multiple versions of function compiled together. Just need a bit of extra effort to do so.

One way to achieve that now is to call tvm.lower(instead of buld) to get List[LoweredFuncs] for each of the function you care about(give them different names), then concat these lists together to get one list, then feed it to tvm.build to get you a single runtime module which which will contain all the functions you need. Then we can call mod.export_library to export a single so file that contains all the function variants. This is the approach we use to export multiple functions in a neural networks into a single shared library

Also we might have another way(by importing other modules into a single one) which @FrozenGene recently enabled.

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This works nicely, and it is trivial to implement. Here’s a working example for reference:

import torch
import topi
import tvm
from tvm import te
from tvm.contrib import dlpack

def _codegen_function(d1, d2, name):
    bsz = te.var('bsz') # bsz and d3 can be variables without impact on performance 
    d3 = te.var('d3')   # but d1 and d2 should be constants for `schedule_batch_matmul` to work
    A = te.placeholder((bsz, d1, d3), name='A', dtype='float32')
    B = te.placeholder((bsz, d2, d3), name='B', dtype='float32')
    R = topi.nn.batch_matmul(A, B)
    s = topi.cuda.batch_matmul.schedule_batch_matmul(R)
    return tvm.lower(s, [A, B, R], name=name)

if __name__ == "__main__":
  bsz = 12
  d11 = 2048
  d12 = 1024
  d2 = 512
  d3 = 64

  #  2 different versions of the same function
  bmm1 = _codegen_function(d11, d2, 'bmm1') 
  bmm2 = _codegen_function(d12, d2, 'bmm2')

  # build both functions into one module
  module = tvm.build([bmm1, bmm2], target='cuda', target_host='llvm')

  module.export_library('libbmm.so')  # save the module into a .so file
  module = tvm.runtime.load_module('libbmm.so')  # load it back
  # get each function then package it as a pytorch function
  bmm1_pytorch = dlpack.to_pytorch_func(module['bmm1'])
  bmm2_pytorch = dlpack.to_pytorch_func(module['bmm2'])

  A1 = torch.randn(bsz, d11, d3, device='cuda')
  A2 = torch.randn(bsz, d12, d3, device='cuda')
  B = torch.randn(bsz, d2, d3, device='cuda')
  R1 = B.new_empty(bsz, d11, d2)  # allocate memory for the result tensor
  R2 = B.new_empty(bsz, d12, d2)  # allocate memory for the result tensor

  bmm1_pytorch(A1, B, R1)

  bmm2_pytorch(A2, B, R2)
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What was the final speed comparison with pytorch here?

It turned out that specializing with d1 and d2 as constants was the key part? (no need for autotvm?)

topi.cuda.batch_matmul.schedule_batch_matmul with constant d1 and d2 gave the best performance. It is still 3x slower than PyTroch thought.

topi.cuda.batch_matmul.schedule_batch_matmul is not instrumented with autotvm knobs, but I tried to change the few constants it has but that didn’t help.

Oh :frowning: yeah I was also able to get to around 3x with a lot of work, but that’s still really far from being practical.

I got very close to matching PyTorch’s bmm on Vega 20 (Radeon VII) and to about to 1.5x on 1080Ti for the 1024 example (with fixed dims). I’ll look into sending a PR for TOPI.

One of the limiting things on the path ahead is the “-1” issue in the output configurations of course.

Best regards
