[Quantization] How was calibration dataset been used?

I have some confusion in quantization scheme,

def quantize(graph, params=None, dataset=None):
dataset: list of dict of Var -> NDArray
The calibration dataset.

Just shown in comments, where is the ‘dataset’ been used?

Besides, in calibrate function, it wrote

if kind == QAnnotateKind.WEIGHT:
var = expr.args[0]
assert isinstance(var, _expr.Constant)
scale = power2_scale(var.data)
scale = cfg.global_scale

valid_range = 2**valid_bit
const_params[ndom_scale] = _make_const(scale / valid_range)

and cfg.global_scale is 8.0 by default, which means ndom_scale of INPUT/ACTIVATION have the same value(0.0625).
How did it work? I mean in other framework like TF, it uses calibration datasets and EMA algorithm to estimate appropriate scale. It doesn’t seem that tvm use this manner.

Check the latest master. A calibration algorithm has been added in this PR https://github.com/dmlc/tvm/pull/3538

Thanks for your contributions.