[RELAY]Downcast from relay.IncompleteType to relay.TensorType failed

I am trying to compile the tensorflow inceptionv3 model from https://github.com/dmlc/web-data/blob/master/tensorflow/models/InceptionV3/inception_v3_2016_08_28_frozen-with_shapes.pb ,but I failed in the " Import the graph to Relay" stage.Here is the problem I have encountered,

%880 = concatenate(%879, axis=3)an internal invariant was violated while typechecking your program [16:35:35] /home/projects/tvm/3rdparty/HalideIR/src/tvm/node/node.h:264: Check failed: ref->template is_type() || ref->template derived_from(): Downcast from relay.IncompleteType to relay.TensorType failed.

How can I solve this problem?Thank u!

have you solved this problem?
I have encountered the same problem

@yongwww Do you have any idea on this problem?

@lishasha233 It’s weird to see this issue, actually we have a test case for the same .pb file. The issue should be gone by following the steps in the test case. Please share your environment info. (like the tensorflow version, device, etc.) if the issue persists.

I don’t know if my question is the same as this question.https://discuss.tvm.ai/t/relay-concatenate-downcast-from-relay-reftype-to-relay-tensortype-failed/3595