TVM Meetup Guideline

We want to host a meetup

We encourage every member in the community to host local meetups. Ideally we rotate the meetup hosts between organizations. To express your interest in hosting a meetup, reply to this thread, including location and time. We want to coordinate a bit to make sure the event happens roughly once per quarter for each location.

Send out announcements to the community

Ideally a month before the meetup, send out an announcement post to the community. The hosting organization can include the topic that they would like to discuss. Please also leave time to give chance to other members in the community to present their work, include a call for participation, and allow contributors to reply to the thread to mention what they would like to present.

Be Apache

Being apache means we want to keep everyone in the community informed, even if they did not get a chance to attend. Please send a summary of the event to the announcement thread of the meetup.


This is good, If we can hold it in Xi’an Shaanxi, that would be great.

As a beginner, I hope to participate and learn more knowledge.

We will host TVM Meetup in Shanghai very soon and are tuning for some details. When it is ready, we will send one post on our discuss forum. However, though we don’t send the official post yet, we are opening to accept some lightning talk ( ~5 minutes), if you are interested, you could contact me in advance. Thanks. :slight_smile:


Anyone who wants to host the meetup in Beijing?

I would be interested to attend the Shanghai meetup.

Good. I will send the detail post next week. Do you plan to give one lightning talk?

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Yes, I can probably do one lightning talk.

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would like to attend the SH, CN meetup

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Any folks in india interested to have tvm meetup? @srkreddy1238 ?

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@Vinayak618 definitely.

I want to organize site meetup :wink: ) how can i do it easily.