Android Performance Difference

I found a very confusing result.
This image shows the result when I run The latency of mobilenet was very fast: 38.01 ms

However, If I use TVM to run a real tensorflow mobilenet model, the result like:

The same phenomenon also happened in resnet50 and vgg16. The difference is more than twice when I run my tensorflow model than run I think auto-tuning may not work for both situations.

I am confusing about why the difference is so big. And I also found in, the structure of vgg16 is not like a real tensorflow vgg16 model. The input channel and output channel of vgg16 generated by are always the same(64 * 64, 128 * 128 …). But in my pre-trained vgg16, there are some filters like 64 * 128 and 128 * 256, just like that. The MACs of the generated model seems larger than a real model. But the latency is very small. Are there some problems here? Or is there a problem with my configuration?

Thanks very much for your patient. I am looking forward to your reply.

My environment:
TVM version: v0.5
Android NDK: r16b
Android Device: Xiaomi 6 with Snapdragon 835, and I used --model pixel2
Host Environment: Mac OS 10.14.3
Host compiler: LLVM

import os
from tvm.contrib.util import tempdir
import nnvm.testing
import nnvm.compiler
import tvm
from tvm.contrib import graph_runtime as runtime
import tflite.Model
from PIL import Image
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from tvm import relay
from tvm.contrib import ndk
import argparse
# Tensorflow imports
import tensorflow as tf
import as tf_testing

    'mobilenet-v1' : 'mobilenet_v1_1.0_224.pb',
    'mobilenet-v2' : 'mobilenet-v2-1.0.pb',
    'inception-v3' : 'inception_v3.pb',
    'inception-v4' : 'inception_v4.pb',
    'resnet50-v2' : 'resnet-v2-50.pb',
    'vgg16' : 'vgg16.pb'

def evaluate_network(target, target_host, repeat, network, image_size):
    from PIL import Image
    img_name = './elephant-299.jpg'
    image =, image_size))
    x = np.array(image)

    # connect to remote device
    tracker = tvm.rpc.connect_tracker(, args.port)
    remote = tracker.request(args.rpc_key)

    model_name = NET_DIC[network]
    model_path = './'
    with tf.gfile.FastGFile(os.path.join("./", model_name), 'rb') as f:
        graph_def = tf.GraphDef()
        graph = tf.import_graph_def(graph_def, name='')
        # Call the utility to import the graph definition into default graph.
        graph_def = tf_testing.ProcessGraphDefParam(graph_def)
        # Add shapes to the graph.
        # with tf.Session() as sess:
        #     graph_def = tf_testing.AddShapesToGraphDef(sess, 'softmax')
    print("Parse from tensorflow graph done!")

    input_tensor = 'input'
    input_shape = (1, image_size, image_size, 3)
    # input_tensor = 'DecodeJpeg/contents'    
    # input_shape = x.shape    
    shape_dict = {input_tensor: input_shape}
    func, params = relay.frontend.from_tensorflow(graph_def, layout='NCHW', shape=shape_dict)
    print("Load %s from tensorflow done!" % network)

    with relay.build_module.build_config(opt_level=3):
        graph, lib, params =, target=target, params=params, target_host=target_host)
    print("Build %s from tensorflow done!" % network)

    tmp = tempdir()
    if 'android' in str(target):
        from tvm.contrib import ndk
        filename = "" % network
        lib.export_library(tmp.relpath(filename), ndk.create_shared)
        filename = "%s.tar" % network
    print("Export %s library done!" % network)

    # upload library and params
    print("Uploading %s ..." % network)
    ctx = remote.context(str(target), 0)
    print("Uploading %s done" % network)
    rlib = remote.load_module(filename)
    module = runtime.create(graph, rlib, ctx)
    data_tvm = tvm.nd.array(x.astype('float32'))
    module.set_input(input_tensor, data_tvm)

    # evaluate
    ftimer = module.module.time_evaluator("run", ctx, number=1, repeat=repeat)
    prof_res = np.array(ftimer().results) * 1000  # multiply 1000 for converting to millisecond
    print("%-20s %-19s (%s)" % (network, "%.2f ms" % np.mean(prof_res), "%.2f ms" % np.std(prof_res)))

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("--model", type=str, default='pixel2',
                        help="The model of the test device. If your device is not listed in "
                             "the choices list, pick the most similar one as argument.")
    parser.add_argument("--host", type=str, default='')
    parser.add_argument("--port", type=int, default=9190)
    parser.add_argument("--rpc-key", type=str, default='android')
    parser.add_argument("--repeat", type=int, default=100)
    parser.add_argument("--network", type=str, default='mobilenet-v1')
    parser.add_argument("--image_size", type=int, default=224)
    args = parser.parse_args()

    dtype = 'float32'    

    target ='pixel2')
    target_host = None

    print("%-20s %-20s" % ("Network Name", "Mean Inference Time (std dev)"))
    evaluate_network(target, target_host, args.repeat,, args.image_size)
1 Like

After I use nnvm compiler:
shape_dict = {input_tensor: input_shape}
func, params = nnvm.frontend.from_tensorflow(graph_def, layout=‘NCHW’, shape=shape_dict)
print(“Load %s from tensorflow done!” % network)
with nnvm.compiler.build_config(opt_level=3):
graph, lib, params =, target=target, params=params,
print(“Build %s from tensorflow done!” % network)
mobilenet, and mobilenet-v2 have been faster than before. But vgg16, inceptionv3 are still slow.

Did you see some warnings like
Cannot find config for target=XXXX, workload=XXX. A fallback configuration is used, which may bring great performance regression.?

The models in our benchmark scripts are standard implementation for 224x224 ImageNet images. They are ported from mxnet model zoo or gluon cv, and verified in CI test.

If your models take different input sizes, then the conv2d operators in your network may not be tuned (we don’t upload the configurations for them). So you will see the above warnings and get worse performance.

Hi, Thanks for your reply.

In fact, I have seen this warning in both situations(In official benchmark scripts, and my vgg16, mobilenet-v1 models). The problem is that I have used the same model structures that should have the same configuration. And I didn’t see where the official models(from mxnet model zoo or gluon cv) have been tuned. Would you please tell me where can I reuse the same configuration with the official models used?

You can look at this example to see how to download MXNet models:

It is for nnvm, but you can just use relay.frontend.from_mxnet in place of then nnvm equivalent.