Broadcast operation for a vector


I am working on INT8 convolution implementation on Intel Skylake. In the process, I need to generate a broadcast instruction, i.e., take a scalar value and copy it multiple times in a vector.

I am new to ir_builder and intrinsics and having difficulty in generating that instruction. I might be using something incorrectly.

Can somebody please help me with this? The isolated issue is below.

def test_broadcast():
    A = tvm.placeholder((1,), name='A', dtype='int16')

    # Implementation 1 using intrinsics
    def impl1(ins, outs):
        ib = tvm.ir_builder.create()
        Ascalar = ins[0].vload([0], "int16")
        broadcastA = tvm.call_llvm_intrin('int16x32',
                                    tvm.const(0, 'uint32'),
        out = broadcastA
        ib.emit(outs[0].vstore(0, out))
        return ib.get()
    # Implementation 2 - Struggling attempt after Impl1 failed
    def impl2(ins, outs):
        ib = tvm.ir_builder.create()
        Ascalar = ins[0].vload([0], "int16")
        broadcastA = ib.pointer("int16", name="B")
        with ib.for_range(0, 32) as i:
            broadcastA[i] = Ascalar
        out = broadcastA
        ib.emit(outs[0].vstore(0, out))
        return ib.get()

    # Change the impl1/impl2 to trigger different implementations
    D = tvm.extern((32,), [A], impl1, dtype='int16', name='D')
    s = tvm.create_schedule(D.op)
    print(tvm.lower(s, [A], simple_mode=True))

    def check_target(target):
        if not tvm.module.enabled(target):
        f =, [A], target)'temp.ll')'temp.s')
    check_target("llvm -mcpu=skylake-avx512")

Error with Implementation 1 - python: /home/ubuntu/workspace/tvm/llvm/llvm/lib/IR/Instructions.cpp:1202: void llvm::StoreInst::AssertOK(): Assertion `getOperand(0)->getType() == cast(getOperand(1)->getType())->getElementType() && “Ptr must be a pointer to Val type!”’ failed.

Error with Implementation 2 - tvm._ffi.base.TVMError: [01:28:58] /home/ubuntu/workspace/tvm/src/lang/ Check failed: dtype.element_of() == n->dtype.element_of() && dtype.lanes() % n->dtype.lanes() == 0 Cannot load handle64 from buffer of int16