Documentation for non_max_suppression

After reading discussion and documentation about vision.non_max_suppression(), I still don’t understand what the argument valid_counts is about.
It’s a 1D tensor, but how long?
And what do the entries actually signify?

This tensor is the valid number of boxes in each batch sample. So the length is the same as batch size.

Hi, Which frontends do support NMS in TVM?

MXNet for now. TF in progress.

Sorry to bother you, and I would like to know when TF will be supported @ kevinthesun

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I am working on tf nms support, wrote an draft version. Will pr it after a few fixes. @ydy

sounds great! thanks so much.

Sorry to bother you, but are you interested in supporting “Assert”?I’m a little confused because it’s more like a type than an OP, so I don’t know how to support it. @yongwww

@ydy Assert is in our queue, will work on adding the support. One option is to add a general assert in relay, the other option is to assemble the op with other ops

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