ONNX input and output node id


I have a ONNX node like this:

graph {
node {
input: “0”
input: “1”
output: “8”
op_type: “Conv”
attribute {
name: “dilations”
ints: 1
ints: 1
type: INTS
attribute {
name: “group”
i: 1
type: INT
attribute {
name: “kernel_shape”
ints: 1
ints: 1
type: INTS
attribute {
name: “pads”
ints: 0
ints: 0
ints: 0
ints: 0
type: INTS
attribute {
name: “strides”
ints: 1
ints: 1
type: INTS

In the C++ side …I want to have the input blob and output blob Ids corresponding to the Conv node…
How can I access this information…? Given the graph g …? (for.eg. something in tvm/nnvm/src/compiler directory)