Op '_equal' is not supported

I am testing the mxnet_gluon_model ‘center_net_resnet18_v1b_voc’, casting an error with:

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "arm64_centernet_rpc.py", line 282, in <module>
    graph, lib, params = build(target, target_host)

  File "arm64_centernet_rpc.py", line 144, in build
    mod, params = relay.frontend.from_mxnet(sys, {"data": dshape}, arg_params=arg_params, aux_params=aux_params)

  File "/opt/tvm/python/tvm/relay/frontend/mxnet.py", line 2033, in from_mxnet
    func = _from_mxnet_impl(symbol, shape, dtype, params, mod)

  File "/opt/tvm/python/tvm/relay/frontend/mxnet.py", line 1960, in _from_mxnet_impl
    'Operator {} is not supported in frontend MXNet.'.format(op_name))

tvm.error.OpNotImplemented: Operator _equal is not supported in frontend MXNet.

Then, the current version is supported? thanks a lot.

@zchuang11 I’ve added the support in my git repo https://github.com/kazum/tvm/tree/mx_equal. Can you give it a try?

@kazum I can git it a try. How can I extract the related code ? or I have to git the whole repo and build?

@kazum I have to git the whole repo and build?

Either is fine. You can try the fix if you apply the latest commit of the repo. If you are not sure how to do it, cloning the whole repo may be easier way to go.