[relay]What does the mistake mean? “in particular dimensio 2 conflicts 3 does not match 2

I try to transform the NLP model using from_tensorflow, then get an error.

%1817 = add(%35, %1816);
%1818 = reshape(%1817, newshape(-1,[28500]))
%1819 = topk(%1818, k=3, dtype='int32')
%1820 = %1819.1
%1821 = cast(%1820, dtype='float64')
%1822 = cast(9500, dtype='float64')
%1823 = divide(%1821, %1822)
%1824 = cast(%1823, dtype='int32')
%1825 = add(%33, %1824)
%1826 = reshape(%1825, newshape=[-1])
%1827 = take(%30, %1826, axis=0) in particular dimension 2 conflicts (int64)3 does not match 2; unable to unify: `Tensor[(15, 8, 3, 64), float32]` and `Tensor[(15, 8, 2, 64), float32]`; ;
%1818 = take(%loop_var172, %loop_var50, axis =0)

I print same information, looks right.

%30 => shape: (15, 8, 3, 64) op: ConcatV2
%1826 => shape: (15,) op: Reshape
%1827 => node:
name: "while/GatherV2"
input: "while/concat"
input: "while/Reshape_75"
inpurt: "while/GatherV2/axis"
    key: "Taxis"
    type: DT_INT32
    key: "Tparams"
    type: DT_FLOAT
    key: "_output_shapes"
           dim {
               size: -1
           dim {
               size: 8
           dim {
               size: -1
           dim {
               size: 64
    key: "batch_dims"
     i: 0

I don’t know what this mistake means and how do I start checking it ?Any good Suggestions and methods to check errors?

I find the ‘while/GatherV2’ is the input of ‘NextIteration’,It will continue to be passed in the 'while_loop‘.

name: "while/NextIteration_26"
op: "NextIteration"
input: "while/GatherV2"

name: "while/Merge_26"
op: "Merge"
input: "while/Enter_26"
input: "while/NextIteration_26"

But the shape looks right. They are all (-1, 8, -1, 64) and I don’t see (15, 8, 2, 64)…

this must be problem with shape of array where it can’t reshape to target shape, may be you can attached model i can have a look into that

My model is in the Intranet and cannot be taken out.Any good Suggestions and methods to check errors?

better idea is to deep and check where the error is occuring, for this you can use PYCHARM and debug inside the TVM code