TVMError Check failed Divide by zero when compiling INT8 model

Issue description

Compiling a pretrained quantized GluonCV model at opt_level 3 fails with an error message about division by zero.

Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Prepare hardware and environment that meet the requirements for TVM
  2. Install MXNet 1.5.1 or 1.6.0, GluonCV 0.7.0, and the latest MKL-DNN library
  3. Build TVM with USE_MKLDNN ON
  4. Download a pretrained INT8 model from GluonCV with gluoncv.model_zoo_get_model()
  5. Convert the model to a TVM Relay graph with tvm.relay.frontend.from_mxnet()
  6. Compile the graph with with at opt_level 3

What’s the expected result?

  • Compilation succeeds

What’s the actual result?

  • Compilation fails with the following TVMError:

    File "/usr/tvm/src/tir/op/../../arith/const_fold.h", line 171
    TVMError: Check failed: fb->value != 0 (0 vs. 0) : Divide by zero

Additional details

  • Confirmed for models resnet50_v1_int8, mobilenet1.0_int8, ssd_300_vgg16_atrous_voc_int8 and ssd_512_vgg16_atrous_voc_int8
  • Confirmed at opt_levels 2, 3 and 4, with the FastMath pass disabled for opt_level 4 on GPU
  • The offending graph node is a DivNode where the function div(a,b) receives b=0f
  • If the default value of max_calib_range in _qnn_quantize() in relay/frontend/ is hard-coded to 20.0 (arbitrarily picked) then compilation succeeds and inference may be successfully executed; see RuntimeWarning divide by zero encountered in true_divide when converting INT8 model to Relay graph

Suggested solutions

  • Fix TVM graph conversion of quantized models so as not to cause division by zero at compile time