Using external lib (cuDNN) with INT8 ops

Do we currently support this use-case? It looks like the operator selection/profiling part of cuDNN works, but when running I get CUDNN_STATUS_BAD_PARAM. CC @masahi

no, it looks like we are passing hard coded CUDNN_DATA_FLOAT as dtype to cuDNN calls :slight_smile: I’ll fix this soon.

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@eqy is cuDNN with Int8 supposed to work on a pascal card? It seems I can’t even create a conv descriptor when dtype is Int8 (cudnnSetConvolution2dDescriptor). algo selection is done on fp32 (hard coded, need to be fixed), with int8 nothing works.

I do not know if cuDNN works, but tuning with TVM schedules works (I just wanted to try something quickly before doing tuning). I think the TVM performance is reasonable (~35TOP/s at batch size 128 on 1080 Ti), so it is not urgent.

We did recently get some 2080 Ti cards too though :slight_smile:

any updates here? i got the same issue with int8 quantization model. and the TVM version is 0.6(just one month ahead, not the latest)

tvm\src\contrib\cudnn\ Check failed: e == CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS (3 vs. 0) : cuDNN: CUDNN_STATUS_BAD_PARAM

.set_body([](TVMArgs args, TVMRetValue *ret) {
  int mode = args[0];
  int format = args[1];
  int algo = args[2];
  int pad_h = args[3];
  int pad_w = args[4];
  int stride_h = args[5];
  int stride_w = args[6];
  int dilation_h = args[7];
  int dilation_w = args[8];
  DLTensor *x = args[9];
  DLTensor *w = args[10];
  DLTensor *y = args[11];
  CuDNNThreadEntry* entry_ptr = CuDNNThreadEntry::ThreadLocal();
  // Set Mode
  entry_ptr->conv_entry.mode = static_cast<cudnnConvolutionMode_t>(mode);
  // Set Format
  entry_ptr->conv_entry.tensor_format = static_cast<cudnnTensorFormat_t>(format);
  // Set Algo
  entry_ptr->conv_entry.fwd_algo = static_cast<cudnnConvolutionFwdAlgo_t>(algo);
  // Set Ctx
  entry_ptr->conv_entry.ctx = x->ctx;
  // Set Data Type
  entry_ptr->conv_entry.data_type = CuDNNDataType::DLTypeToCuDNNType(x->dtype);
  // Set Desc

line 69 is the call of cudnnSetConvolution2dDescriptor.

I’m trying to add TensorCore support for cuDNN and cublas backend. I have found and fixed it at my local branch. I will submit a PR soon. Please wait some more time.


that would be great work